
President: Jack Gregory ...............321-269-5855
Vice President: Paul R. Pouliot... 321-269-3140
Secretary: Vern Burgess............... 321-269-7459
Treasurer: Mike Mogilevsky ........321-267-7597 jomimogi@cfl.rr.com___________________________________________

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


10 inch Craftman Table Saw
3/4 hp Motor???/
Incra fence and rolling stand

6 inch Jet Jointer
$300 (negotiable)

Incra Router Fence
$300 (negotiable)


Minutes Brevard Woodturners

May 20, 2009 7 PM

PRESIDENT - Jack Gregory opened the meeting at 7 pm.

Jack welcomed visitor and new member Virgil Morar. Virgil is from Orlando and like quite a few of us belongs to more than one club.

Another visitor was Brian Guise, brother to member Troy Guise.

VICE PRESIDENT - Paul Pouliot announced that the Club is working with Klingspor for a 10% discount. an e-mail list is required. If you do NOT want your name on this list, please email

Paul at

Paul announced a skew workshop on June 10. Some of the large peices of bluv (for sale) tools are at Paul's shop. Included are two sear contractor saws equipped with premium fence systems worth more than the saws.

TREASURER - Mike Mogilevsky was happy to announce we are about $913.00 in the black after the purchase of video equipment.

LIBRARIAN - Bill Lution reported that we have three (3) new videos.


Discussioni and a quick look at the craft supply catalog showed the price for a stand for the Turncrafter II Lathe (a gift to the club) was $169.99 plus $29.00 for shipping.

Motion was made to purchase the stand,

Motion carried and tool man Jim Donovan was asked to include the stand in his next order. Jim furnished new catalogs and requested all new orders be made from these new catalogs.

SHOW AND TELL - as usual was a high point in our meeting.


Demo by Ron Browning - Pepper Mill

July demonstration will be presented by Paul Pouliot - 'How to return the bowl that was turned

at the "How To".

Respectfully submitted

Vern Burgess



The display at the Mims Libray is looking very good! There are several nice pieces in the exhibit that was installed by Steve Marconyak; good job Steve.

We have sold some of the power tools. I am applying for the remainder of our grant we we are in

good financial shape. I don't see u buying any more major equipment in the near future, so I

think we should build our treasury for "Name" turners if the occasion presents itself.

Larry Rittenhouse will be gone until August, so we need a volunteer to be our Camera man, if anyone is interested see me before the meeting.

Good turning and I will see you on the 17th.

Jack Gregory, President